How to Prepare a 2d Cad Drawing for Conversion to 3d Cad Drawing for Topcon Rovers?
This is just one of an assortment of ways to simplify the 2D Cad to 3D conversion process that it takes to create a fully functional 3D map. The most important step in minimizing polylines while at the same time maximizing the use of memory.
1. Using AutoCAD, open the 2-D *.dwg file that you received from the architect or engineer. 99% of the time the architects or engineers will e-mail you or otherwise just give you a copy of their dwg files without any further charge .
2. Make a backup copy naming the project whatever you wish. For TopCon users; file naming is crucial at this stage. You want to break the project down into groups. You should really start with the very first thing that you're going to do on the project...
3. Isolate that specific layer. Most likely the operators will have already cleared the area so we are dealing with a blank slate. You should always start with either your biggest cut or fill or your shortest haul distance. For this example, it will be creating a 2 lane highway. We need to first create a file showing
So, Maybe you can Prepare a 2d Cad Drawing for Conversion to 3d Cad Drawing for Topcon Rovers
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